The Index of the Kiswahs of the Holy Ka'bah
Kiswash is the cloth fabric of Holy Ka'bah
- The first person who partially covered the Holy Ka'bah with a kiswah was Ismail (peace be upon him). Tubba' AI-Himairi fully covered it with kiswah. During AI-Jahiliyyah period, the kiswah was made of various fabrics, such as hair cloaks, animal hides, mats, red Yemeni cloaks, silk, Egyptian fabrics (gubati), Iraqi material, black, red, white, yellow and green silk brocades. (12)
- During AI-Jahiliyyah period, the kiswahs of the Holy Ka'bah were put one on top of the other, the new one over the old one. (12)
- The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him) covered the Holy Ka'bah in Yemeni cloaks. Then it was furnished with kiswah by Abu Bakr AI-Siddiq, Omar, Othman, Muawiyah and ][in AI-Zuhair (may Allah be pleased with them all). Over the years, others provided the Holy Ka'bah with kiswahs until its present design was formalized during the era of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- Adnan, the paternal forefather, of twenty generations, of the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him), covered the Holy Ka'bah with a kiswah, and so did Khalid Ibn Ja'far lbn Kilab.
- The Holy Ka'bah used to be re-covered at any time and especially when the old kiswah was torn. Sometimes the Holy Ka'bah was provided with a new kiswah Iwo or three times a year. Later it became customary to re-cover the Holy Ka'bah with a kiswah on A'shura the first of Rajah, the 27th of Ramadan, the eighth of Dhul Hijjah (Tarwiyah) and the first day of Eid AI-Adha.
- After the sixth century Hijrah, the Holy Ka'bah was covered with a kiswah once a year. (14, v. 4, p. 257)
- The Ihram of the Holy Ka'bah is putting a white covering around it from the top to a point a bit higher than the Black Stone. This procedure goes back to the time of AI-Mmnoon. When the Holy Ka'bah is enclosed in its Ihram people say that the Holy Ka'bah is in a state of consecration. The Ihram of the Holy Ka'bah indicates that it is the seventh of Dhul Hijjah, therefore fixing the day of Arafat The Ihram of the Holy Ka'bah includes washing it with Zamzarn water and incensing it early on the morning of the seventh of Dhul Hijjah. (14. v. 4. p. 257)
- It was not a customary practice to cover Hijir Ismail (peace be upon him) with a kiswah. It was covered with kiswah once during the reign of AI-Sultan Jaqmaq, the Circassian, who sent two kiswahs, like that of the Holy Ka'bah. One was put inside the Hijir, the other outside it. This was in 853 H. (14, v. 3, p. 114)