
Some Miscellaneous Facts About the Holy Ka'bah

Golden crescent and the Holy Ka' bah

  • Most, if not all, Prophets performed Hajj. Before the construction of the Holy Ka'bah by Abraham (peace be upon him), they went to the site of the Holy Ka'bah which was known to them. It was a high rock which had been partly eroded by heavy rains. (13)
  • Makkah AI-Mukarramah and the Sacred House were sanctified when Allah created the heavens and the earth. This will continue to be so until the Day of Resurrection. (13)
  • In the beginning, during the circumambulation, the Angels say, "Glory be to Allah, praise be to Allah, there is no god but Allah". Adam (peace be upon him) added to this, "There is no power or strength except in Allah". But Abraham (peace be upon him) added: "The All-Powerful, the Most Exalted". The statement "Allah is Great" was also added. The whole statement for Tawaf now is "Glory be to Allah, praise be to Allah, there is no god but Allah. Allah is great, and there is no power or strength except in Allah". (14, v. 3, p. 11).
  • Abraham and Ismail (peace be upon them) used to mention the following Qur'anic verse as they were constructing the Holy Ka'bah: " Our Lord! Accept (this service) from us: for you are the All-Hearing, The All-Knowing." (2:127)
  • The Holy Ka'bah was never opened at night either during the pre-Islamic period or the Islamic era, since the time that a door which could be locked was fitted. (14, v. 3, p. 109)
  • The noblest shade on earth is that of the Holy Ka'bah.
  • It is certain that the earth emanated from the centre of the Holy Ka'bah, and it is, therefore, the centre of the planet. (11, p. 18)
  • Directly above the Holy Ka'bah, at its zenith, there is the duplicate of the Most-Frequented House, in heaven. It is visited by seventy thousand angels daily, then they leave and cannot return until the Day of Judgement. The Most-Frequented House is below the Throne of Allah, and those who circumambulate the Holy Ka'bah are under the shade of that Throne. (11, 13, 14, v. 3, p. 11) The Sacred House is blessed and full of good, and those who perform Hajj or Umrah or visit it are granted endless reward.
  • The Sacred House contains very clear miracles with meaningful symbols, such as the deep impressions of Abrahams feet in stone at his station. This indicates that Allah, the Almighty, enables His worshipper to overcome any obstacle if he is a true believer. The Black Stone has always been returned to its place in spite of the fact that it was subject to ravaging and plundering through the ages. The Holy Ka'bah stood and still stands in its place, and is glorified by visitors. Anybody who tries to do harm to it is severely punished by Allah, the Almighty.
  • The Holy Ka'bah is called so because of its cube shape and its being isolated from the other dwelling houses. It is called the Sacred House because of its sanctity and also because the pursuit of its land game and the cutting of its grass and trees are completely prohibited. It is also called the Ancient House because it is very old, dignified and holy. Sincere visitors to it are freed from going to Hell on the Day of Resurrection. (12)
  • The Holy Ka'bah is washed twice a year in the middle of Sha ban and on the seventh of Dhul Hijjah. (14, v. 5, p. 45).
  • When the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him) stepped into the Holy Kabah on the day of the Makkah conquest, there were 360 idols fixed around it with melted lead. The Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) was holding a stick while circurnambulating it and said: Truth has (now) arrived, and falsehood perished: for falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish ) (17:81) As he pointed at each of these idols with his stick, they fell backwards. (14, v. 2, p. 24)
  • The building of the Holy Ka'bah was seen in the era of Noah (peace be upon him), but its landmarks vanished during the deluge. (14, v. 3, p. 12)
  • Some scholars maintain that looking at the Holy Ka'bah is a kind of worship. It is without a doubt that looking at the Holy Ka'bah in contemplation and reflection indicates a living worship.
  • The foundation stones of the Ancient House werdescribed in history books as Khulufat, one overlapping the other. Khulufat are the camels in the wombs of their mothers.
  • When the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him) arrived at Makkah on the day of victory, he circurnambulated seven times on his she-camel and touched the Black Stone with his crooked stick. He asked Othman Ibn Talha to open the door of the Holy Ka'bah. The Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) entered the Holy Ka'bah accompanied by Osama Ibn Zaid, Bilal and Othman Ibn Talha. He closed the door, performed prayer, stayed for some time and then went out. He did the same on the second day. It was said that the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) entered the Holy Ka'bah twice, once during the Qadiyah Umrah and again during his farewell Hajj. (14, v. 1, p. 280)
  • The places where the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him) performed his prayers in the Holy Ka'bah and around it are: inside the Holy Ka'bah, opposite the door towards the western wall, at a distance of three cubits, behind Abraham's Station, opposite the Black Stone, close to the Shami corner at the door of the Holy Ka'bah opposite the north-western corner towards the Hijir, between the two corners of Hijir Ismail (peace be upon him) and between the Yemeni corner and the Black Stone. (11)
  • The tribes of Al-Amaliqah and Jurhum lived in Makkah AI-Mukarramah at the same time. They were always in conflict and fought against each other on the issue of who had the authority to offer services to the Holy Ka'bah. (13)
  • The Holy Ka'bah was re-constructed in the era of Quraish by lawful gains only, collected from contributions. The concept of co-operation and collecting money by contributions is, therefore, a very ancient idea.
  • Men and women worked together in constructing the Holy Ka'bah during the Quraishi time. Men carried the stones while women carried the mortar.
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