The Index of the Construction of the Holy Ka'bah
- The Holy Ka'bah was first constructed by the Angels (peace be upon them), then Adam and Seth (peace be upon them). Abraham and Ismail (peace be upon them). Then Al-Amaliqah, Jurhum Quraish. Abdullah Ibn AI-Zubah (may Allah be pleased with them). Then AI-Hajjtrj IN Yusuf AI-Thaqafi. Sultan Wind Khan and, last but not least, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Fahd Bin Abdul Aziz (may Allah grant him success).
- The Angels (peace be upon them) had constructed the Holy Ka'bah to be directly underneath its celestial counter-part, the Most-Frequented House in Heaven.
- It has been said that Adam (peace be upon him) had constructed the Holy Ka'bah from the stones of five mountains brought by the Angels. The five mountains were: Tor Sina Mountain, Mt. Hira', Tur Zeeta, Mt. Lebanon and AI-Judi. (14, v. 3. p. 14).
- In addition to the five mountains from which the Holy Ka'bah was constructed, others mentioned in history books are: AI-Jabal AI-Ahmar. Mi. Thabeer, Mi. Radwa and Mt. Warqan. (14, v. 3, p. 44).
- It was said that the edifice by Adam (peace be upon him) and that of the Angels (peace be upon them) was the same, Adam built it with the aid of the Angels.
- Abraham and Ismail (peace be upon them) constructed the House over the foundations of Adam as instructed by Allah, the Almighty. (14, v. 3, p. 47).
- The structure by Abraham (peace be upon him) was in the 'Radhm' form, that is, without mortar or adhesives. He used to build a 'sail' or one row of stones every day. On reaching the site of the Black Stone, he asked Ismail (peace be upon him) to give him a stone to lay as a starting point for the circumambulation then Gabriel brought him the Black Stone, before his son brought one.
- The general shape of the Holy Ka'bah, constructed by Abraham (peace be upon him), was rectangular and nine cubits high. The eastern side was thirty-two cubits long, thirty-one cubits to the west, twenty cubits to the south and twenty-two cubits to the north. He set two openings for two doors adjacent to the floor, and a pit was dug to be used as a coffer. He did not roof it. In addition, he built a .semi-circular bower on the north side to shelter the sheep of Ismail (peace be upon him). This is what is now called AI-Hijir. (13)
- The structure by Abraham (peace be upon him) is approximately four thousand years old. (14, v. 3, p. 47)
- When Quraish decided to reconstruct the Holy Ka'bah after its being burnt and destroyed by rain and floods, illicit earnings were not spent for the work. Because lawful money was insufficient, the building was confined to a small part adjacent to Hijir Ismail (peace be upon him).
Quraish built the Holy Ka'bah to the height of eighteen cubits. They roofed it over, fixed a door on the eastern side and set up a short wall round Hijir Ismail (peace be upon him). |
- Quraish divided the Holy Ka'bah by its four sides and each side was further divided into fourths, and each tribe drew lots for their section of the construction.
- Timber was bought by Quraish from the owners of a Roman ship, wrecked at AI-Shua'iba's port. One of its crew was hired to assist them in rebuilding the Holy Ka'bah in the Syrian fashion. (12)
- The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him) contributed with Quraish to the reconstruction of the Holy Ka'bah. He also settled the dispute that took place on restoring the Black Stone to its original place.
- Quraish built the Holy Ka'bah to the height of eighteen cubits. They roofed it over, fixed a door on the eastern side and set up a short wall round Hijir Ismail (peace be upon him). The interior of the Holy Ka'bah was decorated and an interior staircase was erected as well as six columns to support the ceiling.
- Abdullah Ibn AI-Zubair (may Allah be pleased with them) rebuilt the Holy Kabah after it had been burnt and ruined by catapult-fire in the era of Yazeed Ibn Muawiyah. He reconstructed it in the same style that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him) had originally wanted. This was confirmed in a Hadith narrated by A'isha (may Allah be pleased with her). It was cube shaped and constructed on the foundation stones of Abraham (peace be upon him). He set up a door each on the eastern and western sides, in addition, he added three wooden pillars to support the two ceilings, which are extant today. The height was increased to twenty-seven cubits. (12)
- The work on the Holy Ka'bah by AI-Hajjaj was not one of renovation, but it was a demolition of some of the additions made by Ibn Al-Zubair. He then rebuilt it according to the dimensions of Quraish.
- The construction by Sultan Murad Khan was started in 1040 H., directly after the Holy Ka'bah was pulled down by the heavy rains and floods in 1039 H., water had reached the middle of its wall. The work took about six months to finish (13). After twenty years, some cracks were visible in the wall of the Holy Ka'bah. Sultan Ahmad Khan then surrounded the Holy Ka'bah with a decorated, gold, metal belt to protect it from further ruin. (14)
- The most comprehensive, overall renovation of the Holy Ka'bah was made by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Fahd Bin Abdul Aziz (may Allah protect him). This will be dealt with in detail later.